Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The month in review

Well looky here…I am actually posting!  Have you missed me?  Where you wondering what had become of me?  No, let’s just pretend that you have. Mkay.

My last post was one month ago to the day.  Geez, and I call myself a blogger.  Well, I am a blogger but I guess I have a “real” life too, who knew.  I promise the contest I mentioned will be happening.  I just got sidetracked with life and haven’t been able to get to it just yet.  Stay tuned!

What has happened since my last post:

*I turned 29! Woo hoo. So far so good.  I kind of like 29.

*I celebrated the 4th of July.  My neighborhood had a block party and where my friend Jen lives is an excellent spot to park my camping chair and have front row seats for the fireworks.

*I worked and worked and worked…meh

*I found out my job rotation is going to end early and I will be returning to my regularly scheduled programming effective July 26th.  I was more annoyed with how the news was delivered than anything else.  And the confirmation that politics are alive and well.

*I completed my second knitting project, a grocery bag

bag 1 

Are you impressed? ‘Cause I am!  And I swear I did all the work myself. Don’t listen to anything Jackie says. He’s trying to take all the credit.

knitting exhausted jackie

*I took a staycation and spent a fabulous week at home not doing anything.  Just snuggling my dog. Watching the World Cup and le Tour de France.  It was great.  And BIG BROTHER started!!!!!!!  Yes, I watch Big Brother and I love every insane minute of it.

*I booked my first visit to Vegas! I am going in August and I am so excited.  But I do realize that it will hotter than…well you get the idea. I am still so excited.  I will be there from the 13th through the 16th. If you are there and want to meet up for drinks…

*I have been working for my Relay For Life team, trying to get ready for our Relay which, is August 6th and 7th.  Figuring out the details and having a garage sale and other fundraising activities.

*An amazing woman lost her fight with cancer after a long and brutal battle.  I am lucky to have gotten the chance to call her friend.  And it has just reinforced my passion for Relay.  I know there will be a post dedicated to her really soon, probably after her service that is this weekend.  I miss you Carole.

If you can, please donate to my Relay for Life team because every breath someone takes after hearing “You have cancer” is a breath they take as a survivor.

How have you been?  What have you been up to?


msprimadonna67 said...

Hope your birthday was a fantastic one!

Lin said...

I LOVE your bag! I cant believe you made that, I can barely knitt a scarf lol.

Vegas...oh how I <3 it there. The hubs & I will be there in August as well. Unfortunetly the last week of August or I'd totally meet up with you for drinks ;)

Ps. I'm sorry to hear about your friend passing away *hugs*

Kate Spears said...

hope you had a wonderful birthday! love your cute pooch!

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