I think I watch too much TV. I made a list the other day of all the shows I watch. A freaking list. Once I started putting all the shows down I was a little concerned by how long it was. I also think it is a bad sign when I know what day it is based on what is on TV. I had to get a DVR since I am not physically capable of watching all the shows when they are one. Several overlap. Below is the list of my TV shows I enjoy watching:
Desperate Housewives 9pm
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 8pm
House 9pm
Heroes 9pm (returns 2/2)
Medium 10pm (returns 2/2...I have been waiting for this!)
Biggest Loser 8pm (2 hrs)
American Idol
*House used to be on Tuesdays but has moved to Mondays
American Idol 8pm
Criminal Minds 9pm
Life 9pm (returns 2/4)
Life on Mars 9pm (returns 1/28)
Ugly Betty 8pm
Grey's Anatomy 9pm
CSI 9pm
Private Practice 10pm
Fridays and Saturdays are "free days". No regularly scheduled programs. But Mike and I have started watching the Sopranos on DVD, we are already almost done with season 2 and only started watching two weeks ago. And I also have to catch up any shows I taped during the week.
Other shows that I enjoy watching but are not currently on are Big Brother and Tru Blood. Also when I get a chance I enjoy watching NCIS and Bones and most programs on Animal Plant. Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy are two other favorites that are on every week night.
I really do watch a lot of TV, but I enjoy it so. I also manage to find time to ready books, go to movies, sleep, and work 40hrs a week.
I have set up the treadmill in the spare room and my plan is walk on the treadmill while watching the Biggest Loser, instead of eating, which is what I have done in years past. I am also thinking of walking for one hour a night while watching one of my shows. I just don't enjoy working out but if I tell myself I can only watch show A if I am walking on the treadmill then I can kill two birds with one stone.
Last week I weighed in after 3 weeks of not going to meetings due to weather or holidays. Three long weeks of not tracking anything, eating what I wanted, but not going insane. AND I only gained .2. I was so excited. this week I have been diligent in my tracking. I am making a serious effort to track all my points and not lie to myself. I am really hoping that is pays off on the scale.
Just don’t be a dick
3 days ago