Friday, April 30, 2010

I may have been absent from here, but I was still busy!

It’s been awhile since I last blogged. I just haven’t had the inspiration. I can’t form the words to tell a story. Or my stories aren’t very fascinating or interesting to me so why would they be interesting to you.

Since the last time I posted:

• My brother got married
• I have been traveling up a storm with work
• I had a paver patio put in, in my backyard
• I planted 3 trees in my backyard, each one requiring a ginormous hole…have I mentioned the “dirt” in my backyard is actually clay after the first 18 inches?!
• I became addicted to Dexter, I have watched all 3 seasons on DVD and I really think season 4 needs to get over already and released on DVD.
• I am in the process of knitting a grocery bag, it’s challenging but actually looking like a bag and not a knotted mess. (P.S. I am in a knitting group and this only my second project EVER, the first was a scarf)
• My car and I were in a minor collision with some tire debris kicked up by a semi while driving home from work one day on the interstate going 70+ mph. I am fine; the car was a little banged up.
• My car is now fixed
• The chunk of my front spoiler that was ripped off in the above mentioned collision can still be seen on the side of road.

That is my last month in a nutshell.

I have been keeping up with all of you lovelies though. Never fear, I continue to stalk your pages and even occasionally leave a comment or two.


Anonymous said...

Hip Hip Hooray,you're back! ~Jen

Sara Strand said...

And see I thought you died. I made a nice card and everything. And now my card will be homeless. :(

Lin said...

You have been a busy lil bee havent you. I'm happy you found the greatness that is Dexter, I cannot wait for the next season!

Living Dees Life said...

can't wait to own our own home as well...

wow those 2 words are the same but diff...did I spell em right?? wtf......

Iva Messy said...

Congratulations to your brother!

The Perkster - Ramblings of a hungry fat girl. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino