Thursday, February 2, 2012

It’s a Date

It’s February, seriously I blinked and January disappeared! In two short weeks that feels like an eternity, I fly to Colorado help Stuart finish packing up his junk (um I mean really important stuff) and then the 21st me and Little Dude will board a plane and come home to Oregon. Stuart will follow the next and drive over with his car packed and his cat terrified under the seat.  And by the end of the month my family will be all together and we will no longer be long distance, having family dinner over skype.

I am so very excited! Also Stuart and I have set a date for the big day!

The date

But along with Stuart’s big move, the baby mama drama has escalated. And her family has come in swinging. And by swinging I mean name calling, because honestly what else can they do.  According to them Stuart is an evil monster and they cannot wait to tell Little Dude what an “evil cruel piece of crap his father is” (direct quote).

While I hate the very air BM breathes and honestly I would not shed a tear if she left this earth…I would NEVER say anything negative about her in front of or around Little Dude.  BM is part of what made Little Dude, and I never want him to think there is something wrong with him because his birth mother failed so completely at life.  Her whole entire family is embroiled in drugs and in legal trouble, yet they all feel they are better suited to raise him than his father…who has never done drugs, been in legal trouble, and has actually done things to help his son catch up from all the delays created by BM’s drug use. 

I love that little boy so much and I cannot wait to be his mommy everyday. I am sure there will be times when I will think “what have I gotten myself into”, but that is part of parenting. I want to show him what a real mother looks like and what unconditional love looks like.  I also cannot wait for Stuart to be here, for us to be a family. And having several states between us and the crazies will be so nice.


Sara Strand said...

Congrats on your wedding moving along swimmingly!

And the BM drama will never stop. But as a person who comes from divorced parents- the fact that neither you or Stuart put his mom down will win in the end. It was a hard piece of reality when I told my dad, after him berating my mother, that he can kiss off because in all of the years she could have bad mouthed him, she never did. The look on his face? Priceless.

Lin said...

First of all, I love love love your 'save the date' cards! Simply adorable.

Secondly, I'm so happy for you finally getting your little family together. I'm sure you're exactly what that little guy needs right now. Stability & love will most definitely be plenty in his new home :)

The Perkster - Ramblings of a hungry fat girl. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino