Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thousand Word Thursday

Completely blocking out the people sitting behind me on the ride while my youngest brother, Alex, has an identical expression as me and my middle brother, Sam, makes it look like his hands belong to Alex, all while trying to not fall out of the "log".

This picture makes me laugh everytime I look at it!

Cheaper Than Therapy


Brittany said...

That is so funny! I love those pictures from the rides. I'm normally the one holding on for dear life! Looks like alot of fun!

k said...

I have some great pics of my mom and I on roller coasters too. We laugh for hours over them.

The Mom Jen said...

OMG that is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

That pic is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Perkster - Ramblings of a hungry fat girl. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino