Thursday, August 27, 2009

A room without books is like a body without a soul

I love books. No, really, I LOVE books. I. LOVE. BOOKS.

I love to go into bookstores and just think about all the stories waiting to envelope me. Sometimes I will wonder up and down the aisles, running my hands along their spines until one just speaks to me. Used bookstores have the smell of books well loved. There is no such thing as too many books.

There are books in every room in my house. Literally. Even the bathroom has a book or two.

So here I was tonight, wasting time surfing the internet and looking for new blogs to read, since I have read all my current subscriptions. Either I read too much, or you all don't post often enough ;) I am going to go with the former.

AnyWAY, I stumbled upon this little gem and I am going to share it with you all, even though I don't want any of you to win the book because I want it. Without further ado I give you Sara of Sara's Organized Chaos and she is GIVING AWAY A BOOK!

Don't these books make you smile! I rilly rilly rilly want one.

P.S. I totally snaked this photo from her blog. I hope she doesn't mind.


Iva Messy said...

EEEKKK I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE books! this is fantastic!

Emily said...

Yay for books too ... I think we are the same person living in two bodies ... books, grass-seed ... wait, that's about it ...

Alicia said...

i LOVE books....seriously, we have a mad love affair, books and i....

Living Dees Life said...

do you read my blog? i've been posting some perdy interesting stuff if i do say so myself...

i love to read to, we have a spare bedroom which is the office/library/guestroom/etc and i have a huge book case with tons of books on it and in the closet is another book case with more tons of books on them and my fave is stephen king <3 love him!!

Sara Strand said...

YAY! :) Nope, I totally don't mind the picture jack..I think that's awesome! :) You are an awesome writer and I wish you lived closer to me..we would totally be besties! HAHA!!

Sara Strand said...

oh, and my friends call me the book slut. FYI. :P

mylittlebecky said...

books are the balls. for reals. i'm totally checking that out, thanks!

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