Monday, June 15, 2009

Tomorrow is my birthday!

Today is my last day as a 27 year old.

My last birthday I was pretty panicked, the mere thought of turning 27 had me freaked out. I know, I know, 27 is nothing and there was no reason for me to be so stressed and generally I don't care about getting older, it is part of life. In fact I am looking forward to celebrating my dirty thirty. But with 27, I felt like I wasn't where I expected to be. And I felt like now I was really supposed to be a REAL grown up (whatever the hell that means). It was time to stop messing around.

Well, tomorrow I turn a whopping 28. I have no aversion to turning 28. I am actually looking forward to this new year. This last year I settled more and become more comfortable with where I am in life and who I am. I will get where I am supposed to be when I get there.

I have a job I like (I don't love it, let's not get crazy here!) I am in the process of buying my very first house ALL ON MY OWN! It will be all mine. It is terrifying and exciting all at the same time. I am comfortable with where I am in my romantic relationship and I am also sure in what I want eventually and what I am not willing to settle for or give up on.

So, here is saying goodbye to my 27th year and all the angst I felt going into it and welcoming in my 28th year and all my hopes and dreams I have for it!


Anonymous said...

Well, at least birthdays bring cake. Sounds like you are ready for this one! Happy birthday eve!

Iva Messy said...

yay! Happy almost Birthday! :)

Elizabeth Marie said...

28 is a good age! :)

Happy last day of being 27! XO

Alicia said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Can I have a piece of cake?

Cathy said...

Yeah, you are SO ready to be 28 :-)

Happy Birthday!!!

PS. I'm feeling a trivia night soon. We should talk to Susanne and make it happen.

mylittlebecky said...

happy bday! i'm going 28 in sept... eep! the cake lookes sooo yummy!

Ella Everywhere said...

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

mmmmmmmm. CAKE!! I LOVE CAKE! Stopping by from SITS!

Gabby said...

Okay, I suck, I totally intended on stopping by yesterday. Anyways....

Happy {belated} birthday!! I hope you had a fantastic day!

I turned 28 in Feb. It's a good age :)

Living Dees Life said...

27 caused me angst

28 caused me to die "2 more years i'm 30"

and now i'm 29...

i just hope i don't fuck it up and i make it to 30!

Mommynightowl said...

happy belated birthday SITSTA!

Organic Meatbag said...

Hey, a belated happy birthday to you! Check's in the mail... sorry I was behind on the rent...oh wait, are you not my landlord???

The Perkster - Ramblings of a hungry fat girl. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino