Monday, January 11, 2010

The 100th Episode of the Perkster Show!

Guess what, guess what?!

This is my 100th post!

Can you believe it? Yeah, me neither.

I started this blog to journal my weight loss journey. Except I only wrote about 3 blogs about that. Then I turned it into my space (not to be confused with myspace).

My space where I rant and rave and cheer and cry. And in return you all offer advice, hugs, strategies, and basically feed my narcissism.

I discovered this whole new world called the blogosphere. Where my friends ACTUALLY live in the computer and it's not just a joke! Sometimes non-bloggers look at me funny when I say things like, oh my blog friend or my friend whose blog I follow said this or did that. They just don't understand (that was said in my head to the tune of Fresh Prince's "Parents Just Don't Understand"). How could they? But to me you all mean so much to me!

Each and everyone of you have touched me in some way (and no I don't mean in a pervy way, geez).

Thanks for reading and for being here. And I look forward to 100 more posts.


Ali said...

Congrats! That is amazing.

Fidgeting Gidget said...

You're so funny. Even when you're being gracious. Congrats on 100 posts, lady! :)

Gabby said...

Congrats!! I'm so happy I've 'met' you :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Don't you just love blogging?
Mary said...

It's rewarding isn't it? Happy 100th post!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. :)
Congrats on 100 posts. I know exactly what you mean about non-blogging friends looking at you funny when you bring up blog friends. It happens to me too!

rachaelgking said...

Congrats! Looking forward to the next hundred ;-)

Lin said...

Congrats on your 100 posts! I cant wait to read the next 100 :)

Elizabeth Marie said...

YAY!!! Can't wait for the next hundo. You're wonderful.

Iva Messy said...

WOOHOO!!! Congratulations!!! ;)

mylittlebecky said...

aw, that was really super sweet :) congrats to you on the one hundred! keep it up, lady.

Alyssa said...

oh i love the look you get when you say "oh my blog friend..."
People just think its some geek nation... oh what they are missing!

Alyssa said...

oh and congrats on 100 of course :)

Sue Wilkey said...

LOL even my kids make fun of my "blog friends". When i agreed to room with Lisalicious at BlogHer my husband thought I was insane. "HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW SHE"S REAL???" because I do. And she's my best friend. Truly. We text 3 times a day now. Dumb husbands.

Thanks for delurking!

Kate said...

Congrats on yout 100th post :-)

Kate x

The Perkster - Ramblings of a hungry fat girl. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino